Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Parma State of Mind

Like a good little micro-blogger, I've been searching online for inspiration for the hearth and home.  I stumbled on Retro Renovation after tripping over the sister site, Save the Pink Bathroom. And, while I don't have a pink bathroom in the home, I can definitely appreciate flawless odd-colored tile. My grandmother's house, circa 1955 and as they say in the know a Cinderella home, had a lovely minty green bathroom. (And counter... and linoleum tile... and... and... and...) Perhaps that's where my general squee from the time period comes. Or perhaps it's just all that delicious Danish furniture.

At any rate, I completed the transition to full Parmite this year for my birthday.  My Don Featherstone pink flamingos arrived last night and they are gorgeous! I'm half-tempted to get a couple of the other color flamingos, but for now, I think just the classic salmon pink will grace my front yard right next to the Ikea solar flamingo!

Thank you, Amazon!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Chair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Hey folks! Sorry, it's been a while. The house has been keeping us very busy these days with housal (vs. spousal) honey-do lists that put a senate budget proposal to shame! The busy times shall pass.

In an attempt to clear my pictures folder, I shall tell you the fate of this lovely brown early to mid century chair.

It was lovely, although a bit well-loved on the arms when I picked it up on Craigslist. One of the cats, Moxi was drawn to it, despite being yelled at each time she drew near. Unfortunately,  Cleo had other ideas and claimed it as her own. And by claim, I mean... the ultimate claim. My exasperated response was to de-upholster it in the garage in a fit of rage, which was a fun project in and of itself. It was like sifting through the chairs history, looking under the covers of the many other lives it had lived. I found at least four different materials used over the last 50 years.

I had every intent to get it upholstered because the lines were so cool on it, but it wasn't meant to be. The frame will go out on big item day this month. We will see if any other picker would be interested in reviving her and I will also post a curb alert with hopes that someone will give her a good home.